Mark your calendars! Please join us for our annual Art Walk on Thursday, February 22nd, from 6pm until 8pm in the big gym. Come and see your student's artwork on display with work from every Smith student.
There is no admission fee for the event, but a $3.00 optional donation is suggested. With a donation, parents receive a “SOLD” sign that they can attach to their child’s artwork. It's a great opportunity for our students to show off their art to friends and family. All funds raised at Art Walk will go back into our PTSA sponsored Explore Art program for art materials and supplies. We need and appreciate your support!
The Student Events Club has also organized some exciting interactive art booths in the adjoining small gym.  Please come visit their booths to meet local artists and learn basic art skills through hands-on activities. The Club members will also show visitors how to create digital art using Fresh Paint, 3D Builder, MS Word and Paint 3D.
Thank you,
The Explore Art Team
Any questions please email:



[Photo of Art Walk 2017]